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Ремонтно-строительные работы в Хельсинки

2 объявления
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Регион Хельсинки
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2 объявления
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Fit-out works of apartments, houses, cottages and townhouse
Fit-out works of apartments, houses, cottages and townhouse - фото 1
Fit-out works of apartments, houses, cottages and townhouse - фото 2
+4 фото
Fit-out works of apartments, houses, cottages and townhouse - фото 3
Цена по запросу
Quickly and qualitatively perform repair or fit-out works of the apartment, house, townhouse or cottage "on a turn-key basis". You only need to agree and accept the stages of work! The advantages of working with our company: - before starting work we develop a detailed estimate, which reflects the
+4 объявления
12 апр 2020
Fit-out works of offices, banks, cafes, restaurants
Fit-out works of offices, banks, cafes, restaurants - фото 1
Fit-out works of offices, banks, cafes, restaurants - фото 2
+4 фото
Fit-out works of offices, banks, cafes, restaurants - фото 3
Цена по запросу
Quickly and qualitatively we will execute repair or fit-out works of office, bank, restaurant, bar, beauty salon and other facilities "on a turn-key basis". You only need to agree and accept the stages of work! Advantages of working with our company: - before starting work we develop a detailed
+4 объявления
12 апр 2020
Найдены объявления в радиусе 370 км от Хельсинки
Offer subcontract work welded steel construction
Offer subcontract work welded steel construction - фото 1
Offer subcontract work welded steel construction - фото 2
+2 фото
Offer subcontract work welded steel construction - фото 3
2.30 €/кг EXW
Hyvää iltapäivää, Tarjoamme alihankintatyöt, hitsatut metallirakenteet, rakennusteräsrakenteet, kuumasinkitty teräshallirunkotyöt, teräksiset varastosäiliöiden ja siilojen suunnittelu, valmistus ja rakentaminen, kuljettimet, kontit, teräsputkirakenteet, tasot, tuotteesi valmistuksen luonnosten ja
+26 объявлений
29 янв
We offer subcontract works, welding steel construction, pipe construction
We offer subcontract works, welding steel construction, pipe construction - фото 1
We offer subcontract works, welding steel construction, pipe construction - фото 2
+4 фото
We offer subcontract works, welding steel construction, pipe construction - фото 3
2.45 €/кг EXW
Good day We offer subcontract works, welded metal structures, building steel structures, hot galvanized steel hangar frame works, conveyors, container, pipe steel structure, Steel storage tanks, silos design, fabrication and construction, platforms, manufacturing of your product according to your
+26 объявлений
29 янв
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