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Полимеры, смолы в Хельсинки

20 объявлений
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Регион Хельсинки
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20 объявлений
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1 450 $/т FCA  
опт 1 450 $/шт
Предлагаем к продаже Полипропилен производства Республики Казахстан, 1) Марки H031 BF, H036 BF, для производства: Двуосноориентированной моно- и многослойные пленки для пищевой и непищевой упаковки, пленки с металлизацией., 2) Марка H085 СF - для производства Многослойной неметаллизированной CPP
+2 объявления
24 сен 2024
Polypropylene fabric sleeves wholesale
Цена по запросу
Price (FCA): 1400$/т. Minimum quantity for order: 20 tons. Production capacity per month: 600 tons. Delivery terms: EXW, FCA, FOB, CIP, CIF. Payment terms: US dollar, Euro. Product color: on request. Sleeve width: from 35 - to 85cm. Product is certified . The offered products are fully compliant
+10 объявлений
30 мая 2024
Thermoplastic elastomers
Цена по запросу
We are the Polish company TARA, cooperate with the Ukrainian producers Thermoplastic materials based on synthetic                                                                                                                  styrene rubbers SEBS and SBS. Material characteristics: • low density
+8 объявлений
2 дек 2022
Полимер Полиэтилен гранулы всех видов
150 $/т FCA
Компания Polygasoil Trading выражает вам своё уважение и почтение, интересующий Вас продукт Полимер: Литьевые Марки, Пленочные Марки, Кабельные Марки, Трубные Марки, Выдувные Марки, Ротационные и Ориентационные ленты. Поставка в фурах / ж. д вагонах из Республики Узбекистан (''Shurtan gaz kimyo
13 июн 2023
Живица (смола) сосновая
Оптовая цена
от 1 000 $/т
Живица смола сосновая. Самовывоз из Беларуси. Пишите в л. с. или на Вайбер. Цена по запросу и зависит от объема.
24 авг 2020
Канифоль и эфиры канифоли от производителя
Цена по запросу
Канифоль и эфиры живичной канифоли: - Gum Rosin - Non-Crystallizing Gum Rosin - Polymerized Gum Rosin - Diethylene Glycol Ester - Triethylene Glycol Ester - Maleic Modified Pentaerythritol Ester of Gum Rosin - Rosin, Fumarated, Polymer with Glycerol - Pentaerythritol Ester of Gum Rosin - Glycerol
28 июн 2019
Polyethylene fabric sleeves in large sizes wholesale
Цена по запросу
Price (FCA): 1200$/ton. Sleeve width: from 85 - to 120cm. Minimum quantity for order: 20 tons. Payment terms: US dollar, euro. Product color: on request. The product is certified. The offered products are fully compliant with high international quality. Export - import wholesale of quality goods
+10 объявлений
30 мая 2024
Polypropylene fabric sleeves in large sizes wholesale
Цена по запросу
Price (FCA): 1500$/ton. Sleeve width: from 85 - to 120cm. Minimum quantity for order: 20 tons. Payment terms: US dollar, euro. Product color: on request. The product is certified. The offered products are fully compliant with high international quality. Export - import wholesale of quality goods
+10 объявлений
30 мая 2024
Anthracite Coal For sale
110 €/т
We supply anthracite coal in bulk, different sizes available contact now for full details leave us your whatsapp for quick communication
+6 объявлений
22 окт 2023
Liqued POLYURETHANE - фото 1
Liqued POLYURETHANE - фото 2
Liqued POLYURETHANE - фото 3
15 €/кг
Liquid two-component POLYURETHANES and also RELEASE GREASES !!! Polyurethane 30, 60, 80 on Shore scale. Different viscosity levels. For the manufacturing of: Various kinds of shapes Molds Printed Stamps Cases for forms Copies of figurines, figurines, etc.
+9 объявлений
14 июн 2023
ABS PLASTIC (liqued plastic)
15 €/кг
Two component odorless polyurethane system. Very liquid casting resin with quick curing. Suitable for superficial casting and solid casting (also at high thickness when filled with filler). The working time allows parts of medium to large size to be realized. Thicker casting can also be done by
+9 объявлений
14 июн 2023
Coating Silicone 7102
20 €/кг
Silicones of the 7102 series are used for molding polyurethane, polyurethane foam, polyurethane plastics, epoxy resins, gypsum, waxes, fiberglass, polyesters, low-melting metals. The materials of 7102 series are used for parts with complex configuration and are applied in the industrial and
+9 объявлений
14 июн 2023
Polyethylene fabric (sleeves).
1 350 $/т
High quality and durable product, polyethylene fabric (sleeves). The product can be used as a raw material for other polyethylene products. The product is certified. The offered products are fully consistent with high international quality. The length, width and color of the product can be weaved
+5 объявлений
3 апр 2023
Polyethylene fabric (sleeves).
Polyethylene fabric (sleeves). - фото 1
Polyethylene fabric (sleeves). - фото 2
Polyethylene fabric (sleeves). - фото 3
1 500 $/т
High quality and durable product, polyethylene fabric (sleeves). The product can be used as a raw material for other polyethylene products. The product is certified. The offered products are fully consistent with high international quality. The length, width and color of the product can be weaved
+5 объявлений
1 июн 2022
Polyethylene fabric sleeves
Polyethylene fabric sleeves - фото 1
Polyethylene fabric sleeves - фото 2
+3 фото
Polyethylene fabric sleeves - фото 3
1 200 $/т
Price (FCA): 1200 $ / ton. Minimum order quantity: 20 tons. Production capacity per month: 600 tons. Payment terms: US dollar, euro. Product color: on request. Sleeve width: from 35 to 85cm. The product is certified. The offered products are fully consistent with high international quality.
+62 объявления
15 дек 2021
Polyethylene fabric sleeves wholesale
Цена по запросу
Price (FCA): 1200$/ton. Minimum quantity for order: 20 tons. Production capacity per month: 600 tons. Payment terms: US dollar, euro. Product color: on request. Sleeve width: from 35 - to 85cm. The product is certified. The offered products are fully compliant with high international quality.
+10 объявлений
30 мая 2024
Polyethylene bags
0.10 $/шт
We offer you high quality polyethylene bags from factory price. This is an economical universal container for packaging food or industrial products. The scope of this type of material packaging is not limited. Polyethylene bags are highly durable, wear-resistant. Dimensions can be adjusted
+5 объявлений
3 апр 2023
Solu- ja monoliittisen polykarbonaatin tukkumyynti Valko-Venäjän valmistajalta
Solu- ja monoliittisen polykarbonaatin tukkumyynti Valko-Venäjän valmistajalta - фото 1
Solu- ja monoliittisen polykarbonaatin tukkumyynti Valko-Venäjän valmistajalta - фото 2
+4 фото
Solu- ja monoliittisen polykarbonaatin tukkumyynti Valko-Venäjän valmistajalta - фото 3
1 €/шт
Tuotantomme on solu- ja monoliittisen polykarbonaatin tuotantolaitos, joka sijaitsee Valko-Venäjän tasavallassa ja joka on ollut vuodesta 2011 lähtien avainasemassa solupolykarbonaatin tuotannossa ja myynnissä IVY-maissa, Yhdysvalloissa, Kanadassa ja Euroopassa. Oma tuotantomme mahdollistaa
+1 объявление
19 ноя 2023
Epoksihartsi - фото 1
Epoksihartsi - фото 2
+3 фото
Epoksihartsi - фото 3
19.99 €/кг
Epoksihartsi Käyttösuositus - pöytien valmistus ja peittäminen, mutta myös matkamuistotuotteiden, läpinäkyvien avaimenperäjen, täyttökuvien (valokuvien), maalausten, 3D-kuvien valmistukseen, pöytien, pöytien, seinäpaneelien valmistukseen. Käytetään usein lomakkeiden täyttämiseen luonnollisilla
+9 объявлений
14 июн 2023
Crystal Clear Epoxy Resin TC-110, FL-210, HL-310
Crystal Clear Epoxy Resin TC-110, FL-210, HL-310 - фото 1
Crystal Clear Epoxy Resin TC-110, FL-210, HL-310 - фото 2
+4 фото
Crystal Clear Epoxy Resin TC-110, FL-210, HL-310 - фото 3
19 €/кг
Used for: production of souvenirs, transparent keyholders, potting of images (photographs), paintings, 3D images, making of 3D floors, designer floors, production of tabletops, tables, wall panels, often used for moulding with natural fillers such as marble and granite chips, quartz sand, shells,
+9 объявлений
14 июн 2023
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