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Лесопиломатериалы, прочее в Финляндии

12 объявлений
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12 объявлений
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Thermally treated wood
30 €/м.кв. EXW
We produce thermo tree: thermo pine, thermo poplar, thermo alder, thermo ash.
+3 объявления
8 окт 2024
Myymme jatkuvasti halkaisijaltaan 6 mm polttoainepellettejä
105 €/т FCA  
опт от 95 €/т
Polttoainepellettien, -pellettien valmistaja tarjoaa yhteistyötä. LLC Pellet Bai, RB -yhtiö tuottaa noin 400 tonnia teollisuuden puupellettejä kuukaudessa. Polttoainepelletit:  Rakeen koko 6 mm  Kosteus 8%  Tuhkapitoisuus jopa 0,8%  mekaaninen lujuus 2,8% Irtotiheys 679 kg / m3  Alempi
+4 объявления
13 мая 2023
Thermo wood
30 €/м.кв. EXW
The company LLC Termoobrobka produces molded products from thermally treated wood of different sizes and wood species. Decking, deck, front (planken). Components (lining, timber, lounger) for the sauna. Thermally modified beam for building houses and other objects.
+3 объявления
8 окт 2024
Ash planks not edged dry 8% 50mm 3m 0-1grade. Export.
Цена по запросу
Ash planks not edged dry 8% 50mm 3m 0-1grade. Export.
+1 объявление
30 авг 2024
Skandinaavista puutavaraa/Scandinavian wood
1 €/м.куб.
Etsimme skandinaavisen puutavaran tukkumyyjiä. 30-60 m3 kuukaudessa We are looking for wholesale suppliers of lumber from Scandinavian wood. 30-60 m3 per month
22 фев 2022
Sahatavara, aihiot, friisit mänty, kuusi, lehtikuusi, pyökki, tammi Ukrainasta FCA
1 €/шт
VUDMOST UKRAINE Ltd. - Valmistamme puutavaraa männystä, kuusesta, kuusesta, lehtikuusta, tammesta, pyökkiä .... Valmistamme sahatavaraa, aihioita, friisejä tilauksesta kaiken kokoiseen vientiin. Meillä on oma saha ja kuivauskammio. Valmistamme myös tilaushuonekaluja ja erilaisia
+4 объявления
7 фев 2022
Beech lamella directly from the manufacturer (Ukraine)
720 €/м.куб.  
опт 650 - 670 €/м.куб.
Production company "Ortoland" offers lamellas from peeled veneer beech of own manufacturing. Latoflex is one of the necessary components of modern design of beds, sofas and frame-beds, that is improving the orthopedic effect and the mattress life. Our lamella for orthopedic's bases is made from
24 июн 2020
Цена по запросу
Výrobní firma koupi celulózu.
31 янв 2020
Coffins - фото 1
Coffins - фото 2
+3 фото
Coffins - фото 3
120 €/шт EXW  
опт 110 - 115 €/шт
Coffins European samples. Material pine, oak. Coffins are upholstered. with handles, varnished. We make coffins of different types according to your orders and sketches
21 июн 2019
Wood wool cement board / Puuvillan sementtilevy
Wood wool cement board / Puuvillan sementtilevy - фото 1
Wood wool cement board / Puuvillan sementtilevy - фото 2
+4 фото
Wood wool cement board / Puuvillan sementtilevy - фото 3
4.50 €/м.кв. DAP
Wood wool cement board/Puuvillan sementtilevy GB1(300kg/m³ density) Low density plate. Main application: – Heat insulation; – Sound insulation, soundproofing; – Thermal, hydroregulation of microclimate of the premises. 50x600x2800mm 100x600x2800mm GB450(450kg/m³ density) Low Density Plate Main
+1 объявление
16 мая 2019
Rotary-cut veneer
Rotary-cut veneer - фото 1
Rotary-cut veneer - фото 2
+1 фото
Rotary-cut veneer - фото 3
340 €/м.куб. EXW
The factory for the production of rotary-cut veneer, without intermediaries, sale rotary-cut veneer made of beech and birch (other types of trees are available for request). The thickness of the veneer is (1-3) ± 0.1 mm, the width is 2.6 m, the length of the order. The job lot is: 30% - grade AB
4 мар 2019
Edged pine timber
Цена по запросу
Good day! Our company is a direct manufacturer of lumber. We are located in Ukraine, Vinnitsa region We cut the pallet blank, timber, boards. Conifers. We cut on the disk equipment. Timber of multisaw quality. Tel, VibER, Vtsap Alina email:
27 ноя 2018
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